2011-07-02 - CCT with Barry and Emaad

^z 12th February 2023 at 9:03pm

~13.5 miles @ ~11.5 min/mi

The GoTüGo company name on the side of the latrine near Rock Creek is unfortunately apt; I pause on my way to meet the "Bethesda Rebel Runners" at 0630 on Saturday morning. Faster members of the group (Ken and Hillary Swab, Kathleen Edelman, Gayatri Datta, et al.) dash ahead while Barry Smith and Emaad Burki ramble with me down the Capital Crescent Trail and back. It's warm and humid. My white shirt shows blood (cf. ManaBurn) by the time we finish. Barry kindly gives me a ride home.

^z - 2011-07-18